Product development services

We love Product Development and what we love the most is the product development process. In fact, MindQube was started out of this love for products. We have developed more than 30 products from the day we started. But it is not the best part, the best part is we still work on these products with the same clients and majority of the same core team

You can go through the standard software product development process somewhere below on this page but what we believe is that the product development process is never complete. We think it is always the MVP or minimum viable product, which goes live first and then we must keep on developing/improving/updating it further. It can be either upgrading technology, adding more features to the product.

So many years in software product development services have taught us that the first phase of the product development is the easiest of all. The real test begins when a few hundred or in some cases a few thousand users/customers come on board. It may sound boastful, but this is where our technical capabilities and the quality-oriented approach has stood true to the commitment made to the clients. This is the phase where clients start loving us back or we should say more.

One thing we would like to mention here before we move on to the software product development process because we found it hard to fix it formally in the documentation of the product development process, that we have a team which plays devil’s advocate at the right time. The idea behind it is to make sure all the stakeholders (Client and the team to start with) of the product have satisfactory solutions or answers to the multiple problems and questions which come up initially. We think the assertive nature of the team helps here big time.